Carter is so gay. This is his new obsession. He keeps getting these out and putting them on by himself. Classic Carter to be in his diaper, and it's saggy no less! Enjoy!
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2 years ago
Oh my, Jenny...he is such a gayog...I love that of all shoes he chooses those ones, lol, if only he knew!!! I hope that you're having fun in AZ...we think of you often!!!
HAHA I JUST PEED!! Those are some pretty sexy shoes I wonder what you bought those for!!jk This is perfect blackmail for when he's older!!
I was so raged and yet peed at how gay your son is! FREAKING HILARIOUS!!
He is way Gay and way cute at the same time. Did you know that Emily's husbands name is Tobey? PMP! You have her and Emily and Ryan. Ryan is her last name. I am going to go PMP again. Love ya!
ok, he is sooo your son!
so when are going to hang out and stuff?
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